Capón is the act of cutting the quiote when it is jutting skyward from the center of the agave. This takes tremendous energy, which is in fact, sugar. With the quiote cut and nowhere for that energy to be expended, the sugar stays in the plant and transforms until the agave is harvested. The result - destilado with distinct and delicious characteristics.
This agave rhodacantha, the agave that is used to create Mexicano, took 10-12 years to reach maturity. The quiote was cut, and the agave remained in the ground an additional 9-12 months before being harvested.
This batch was high in sugar content, so much so that during the ferment in foamed up in the pots like root beer.
Tasting notes: Mezcal Reviews
Production Notes
Species: Agave rhodacantha
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 48.5%
Maguey source: Cultivated in Zimatlán, Oaxaca
Elevation: approximately 1651 meters
Age of maguey: 8-10 years
Cook: 4-5 days in rock-lined conical oven, using locally sourced walnut (nogal)
Milling: By hand with mallets (mazos) in hollow tree trunk (canoa)
Fermentation: (Natural 4-7 days in 90-liter clay pots (potable water added after day 1 or 2)
Distillation: Twice in 60-liter clay pots, locally sourced oak (encino) wood-fired
Condensers: Stainless steel
Batch numbers: JAMC0524
Bottling: 200 liters (266 bottles)
Produced: August 2023 (220 liters)
Tech sheet (PDF)
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